3/8 - Parisienne Idole Mag

Parisienne Idole Mag (3/8) - Odette W
Parisienne Idole Mag

Idole Magazine, Decembre 2014
Photo Flavia Raddavero flaviaraddavero.com
Model Frédérick Mademoiselle Agnecy Paris mademoiselleagency.fr
MUA Camille Delattre camilledelattre.com
Style Odette W
Right: Tailcoat Yshaï, shorts and handbag La Panière des Capucines/ tights Clazedonia/ bracelet Riche Héritière by Mille Bisous Magiques/ pullover Doria Salambo/ shoes Tamaris
Left:Baret Western Porpaganda- Too Pretty To Be True & gloves Manucurés by Mille Bisous Magiques/ small handbag Little Star by Alexia Hollinger/ dress and pullover Doria Salambo/ tights Mariette Orange by Marie An